Thursday, 7 November 2024
8.00 AM – 9.00 AM New York | 2.00 PM – 3.00 PM Brussels |
1.00 PM – 2.00 PM London
Register here
This webinar will draw on insights from the 2025 edition of The Good Lobby Tracker and provide market updates on institutional investor expectations for corporate disclosure and conduct related to political activities and other forms of lobbying. Investors, regulators and the broader public increasingly expect businesses to report on their political engagement beyond the basic requirements of a small handful of lobbying registers. Register to learn how investors are communicating these expectations and for updates on how ESG data providers can improve data quality and fill information gaps. Leading investors will explain how they are asking both companies and ESG data providers for greater consistency and comparability in the reporting of this information, and why corporate political activities matter for their bottom line.
The 2025 edition of The Good Lobby Tracker builds on data gathering and dialogue with all major ESG data providers and standards publishers. It is designed to serve as a real-time navigator offering practical insight and help for all stakeholders interested in plotting the path towards transparent corporate political responsibility and more effective progress on public policy and sustainability goals. The Tracker is designed to be used by investors and other capital providers; standard-setting bodies; ESG data publishers; individual companies; trade associations; civil society organisations; and regulators and policymakers. The Tracker assesses all existing corporate political responsibility initiatives, from ESG data providers to sustainability frameworks, and underlying methodologies against an evolving set of high ambition criteria that reflects the latest thinking by scholars and practitioners on what a clear, comprehensive actionable assessment and reporting of a company’s political activities should look like.
- Matthew Genasci, Senior Investment Stewardship Manager, Norges Bank Investment Management
- Jane Nelson, Director, Corporate Responsibility Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School
- John Keenan, Corporate Governance Analyst, Capital Strategies, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)
- Raj Singh, Climate Engagement Lead, The Phoenix Group
- Laura Hillis, Director of Climate and Environment, Church of England Pensions Board
- Alberto Alemanno, Founder, The Good Lobby and Professor of Law, HEC Paris Business School
Moderator: Hamish Stewart, Senior Advisor, the Good Lobby Tracker
Registrations are open. The registration form is available by clicking the button below.