The Good Lobby has assisted the youth-led organisation Generation Climate Europe in receiving best practices on advocacy from a senior EU affairs professional.
To state that there is a momentum for climate action across the Union – and the globe – would be an understatement. However, not all people in society experience the same level of awareness on the issue as climate change is still underestimated by many.
Generation Climate Europe (GCE) is a coalition of major youth organizations at the European level, pushing for stronger action from the EU and higher awareness on climate and environmental issues. The grassroots organisation approached The Good Lobby with the aim to further explore the channels available for environmental advocacy and gain a better understanding of EU policy making.
The Good Lobby has worked with Generation Climate Europe on previous occasions, including our first incubator program The Good Incubator, and was happy to assist this incredible organization once again by matching them with EU affairs professional Xavier Prats Monné, an active member of our pro bono network.
The Case
Xavier is a senior international advisor with great experience on European public affairs both as a former Directorate General for the European Commission and as a professional deeply involved in the nonprofit sector, among which, for TEACH FOR ALL as a strategy advisor and for Make Mothers Matter as a Board Member, an organisation that has been featured already in our Impact Story series.
Xavier provided an innovative training for Generation Climate Europe that drew on his expertise of advocacy at the European level, coaching the organisation on EU policy making and explaining steps to increase the effectiveness of lobbying at an EU level, with specific focus on environmental and climate issues. The training provided a hands-on practical approach to exploring the best practises of advocacy for non-profit organisations as well as the intricacies of EU policy making.
The Outcome
The training received by Generation Climate Europe has strengthened the position of the organisation and provided them with useful strategies to establish their presence at a European level. It is crucial that professionals like Xavier share their expertise as it aids the professionalization of civil society to ensure that all voices are heard.
Additionally, the case has proved to be mutually beneficial as it enhanced Xavier’s engagement with young advocates of civil society. The reciprocal relationship embodies what we hope to achieve at The Good Lobby.
If you are a civil society organisation fighting for political rights of marginalized groups across Europe and looking for legal, strategic, advocacy or communications assistance, reach out to us via email or fill in the form on our website with your specific request!