Tuesday, 26 March 2024
10:00am – 11:00am New York | 4:00pm – 5:00pm Paris
Learn how ESG Data providers can respond to new market expectations for corporate disclosure and alignment
Join us for a private online roundtable convened by The Good Lobby for ESG data providers and the investor community. The team behind The Good Lobby Tracker will lead a roundtable dialogue on how ESG ratings can update their assessment of corporate political engagement so as to respond to evolving engagement practices, mounting stakeholders demands and growing relevance for business success.
Shareholder resolutions on corporate political engagement issues rank among the top ESG resolutions. This is because a company’s political footprint and strategy is material for the bottom line and for broader societal outcomes. Moreover, disclosure and better governance of corporate political activity is a rare cross-partisan issue that resonates with all political ideologies and pushes to the fore particularly when and where polarisation is on the rise.
Hence the growing demand by investors and the broader public for businesses to report on their political engagement beyond existing basic legal standards.
Following the publication of The Good Lobby Tracker – the first review of the quality and quality of ESG political data available to investors – several ESG providers and other initiatives have embarked on a review of their own methods for collecting and communicating information on corporate political activities. Investors were for the first time able to compare the quality and quantity of ESG political data gathered by the various providers. As a result, several of them showed interest towards the adoption of more robust methodologies.
With regulatory frameworks covering corporate political engagement missing most of the conduct, find out what ESG data and ratings providers are doing to respond to investor demands for more complete information. We will be exploring how ESG data providers are working to fill information gaps and find out who is updating their approach to assessing corporate political activities. Leading investors will explain how they are asking both companies and ESG ratings providers for greater consistency and comparability in the reporting of this information.
Speakers TBC
About The Good Lobby Tracker
The Good Lobby Tracker was launched in 2023 as an initial attempt to comprehensively assess all initiatives – from voluntary sustainability frameworks to ESG data and ratings providers – that collate information on corporate political conduct. The Good Lobby Tracker scores the world’s largest ESG data and ratings providers and other initiatives based on the quality of the political activity data they collect on companies.